Triangulating transitivity analysis: A small-scale trial of the ATAP Semantic Tagger

Written by Helen Caple In a recently published study, I examined the processes (verbs) associated with group-based identity labels (like we, they, Australians, citizens) for self-representation in historical newspaper texts. The study corpus was small and exhaustive of one Australian newspaper, which allowed for detailed, qualitative analysis of transitivity. Transitivity ‘is concerned with a coding…

Constructions of weight loss in British and Australian newspapers

Written by Tara Coltman-Patel, Carly Bray, Paul Baker and Monika Bednarek Note: This post was simultaneously published by the Sydney Corpus Lab and by the Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science. It is published under a Creative Commons — Attribution Noncommercial license. If you want to republish it, please follow the relevant licensing guidelines….

2024: The year in review for the Sydney Corpus Lab

written by Monika Bednarek 2024 was yet another busy year for the Sydney Corpus Lab, as we continued working on various projects, including our collaboration on the Language Data Commons of Australia (LDaCA – You can find the text analytics resources that we have been developing for this project (together with the Sydney Informatics…

Reflections of teaching a course on “Corpus Linguistics and Text Analysis” in a postgraduate Applied Linguistics program at the University of Queensland

written by Martin Schweinberger For Semester 1 of 2021, I developed a course called “SLAT7829 Corpus Linguistics and Text Analysis” in the “Language and Discourse Analysis” field of study that is part of the postgraduate Applied Linguistics program at the University of Queensland. In the program we have a majority of international students, predominantly from…

Using corpus linguistics to analyse intra-textual patterns

written by Monika Bednarek In many studies that are located in the fields of corpus-assisted discourse studies and/or corpus-based discourse analysis, relatively little attention is given to text structure or discourse organisation (what we might term ‘intra-textual’ patterns – patterns within texts). In a new commentary recently published as part of a special issue of…

New features available in the ATAP Quotation Tool

Written by Monika Bednarek We have just updated the ATAP Quotation Tool (Jufri & Sun 2022), which is an Australian Text Analytics Platform tool that allows users to identify and extract quotes from English-language newspaper texts. In addition to extracting the quotes, the tool also provides information about who the speakers are, identifies the reporting…

Using constructed week sampling to compile a newspaper corpus

Written by Kelvin Lee This blog post introduces the Honi Soit corpus, a training dataset that we compiled using a variation of what is called constructed week sampling (as explained below). We hope that the description of this sampling method will be of interest to others who want to compile newspaper corpora. The Honi Soit…

2023: The year in review for the Sydney Corpus Lab

(written by Monika Bednarek) 2023 was a fairly busy year for the Sydney Corpus Lab, as we continued working on various projects, including our international collaboration with the Centre for Corpus Approaches to Social Science (CASS) on obesity in the news (see associated articles here and here), and our national collaboration on the ARDC-funded Australian…

Interview with Monika Bednarek

In 2023, the Sydney Corpus Lab featured edited extracts from 12 episodes of Dr Robbie Love’s CorpusCast podcast about corpus linguistics, covering the first year of the podcast (2022). In each blog post published from January to November, we presented the answers of leading corpus linguists to three questions. Specifically, all blog posts presented answers…