
Video playlists on corpus linguistics

The Sydney Corpus Lab has created a range of video playlists on corpus linguistics:

  • Corpus linguistics resources: languages other than English (Videos that cover the construction, processing, and/or analysis of corpora of languages other than English as well as videos presented in languages other than English that offer general or introductory information about corpus linguistics)
  • Corpus stylistics (Videos that cover the use of the tools and methods of corpus linguistics in the study of style in fiction and, sometimes, non-fiction)
  • Specialised language (Videos that show how the tools and methods of corpus linguistics can be used in the study of different specialised language varieties such as medical discourses or workplace discourses)
  • Applying corpus linguistics (Videos that cover the use of the tools and methods of corpus linguistics in different disciplines such as translation studies and lexicography)
  • Text analytics (Videos that cover some common text analytics processes and concepts)
  • Key concepts in corpus linguistics (Videos that introduce key corpus linguistic concepts and analytical processes)
  • Conversations, chats, miscellaneous (Videos of prominent corpus linguists giving speeches, doing interviews, engaging in informal conversations, etc.)
  • Language learning and teaching (Videos that cover the use of corpus linguistic tools and methods in research relating to language learning and teaching)
  • Corpus-based discourse analysis (Videos of case studies that combine [critical] discourse analysis with corpus linguistic tools and methods)
  • Historical/diachronic linguistics (Videos that cover the use of corpus linguistic tools and methods in diachronic and/or historical linguistic research)
  • Health communication (Videos illustrating studies of discourses about physical and mental health that incorporate corpus linguistic tools and methods)
  • Sinclair Open Lecture Series (Videos from the University of Birmingham’s Sinclair Open Lecture series, named after John Sinclair)

Other playlists (not created by the Sydney Corpus Lab) or videos may also be useful resources: